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Muhammadiyah Deutschland e.V. or known as Pimpinan Cabang Istimewa Muhammadiyah Jerman (The Board of Special Branch Muhammadiyah in Germany) is an international branch of Muhammadiyah organization in Indonesia. Muhammadiyah is the largest Muslim modernist movement in Indonesia. Founded by Ahmad Dahlan (d. 1923) in Yogyakarta in 1912, it has, as of 2017, more than twenty million members and sympathisers. The modernist character of Muhammadiyah is reflected in its systems of education and medical treatment and in its organisational management and leadership. It emphasises egalitarianism and gives equal opportunities to all its members, regardless of ethnicity and ancestry. It employs a system of collegial and collective leadership rather than relying on individual charismatic leaders.


Weg 5a 65931

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